Let’s Testify of God’s Goodness!

Leave your PERSONAL TESTIMONY in the comments section below.

RACHEL I luv this site! To me this page is like a tree with amazing fruits on it! Thank u!!!

NADIA Many thanks for the daily prayers. It’s life changing. My faith has grown and I pray more. Levels are changing in my life. All glory to God.

ANNET AIDA Finally, God heard my cry and he got me a job. Been out of work since November 2019. He is a faithful God. All the glory and honor go back to him.
Now I am believing in him to restore my home and for a holy matrimony.

Wanda Royall  I want to thank God for breathing. I just came out the hospital as a COVID-19 patient. Didn’t know how I was going to make it, but prayer brought me here. I woke up one morning and was told that my husband and I had come in contact with someone who had COVID-19, and we needed to get tested. This was 5 days gone by. Did not have any symptoms except for on that Tuesday I had chills and a little body ache. I thought it was my allergies or fibromyalgia. We went on the 9th and by this time I was getting weak, feeling very fatigue. Test came back in about 20 minutes negative. They told us they were going to take the test over and send it to the lab. Results came back positive. By this time with no appetite, no taste and smell. I kept getting sicker, by time Thursday come I am in the bed, cold and hot. Doctor send me to get a chest X-ray because I’m having chest pain now I have pneumonia in the left lung. Oxygen level has dropped to about 83, running a temperature between 101.3 and 102.9 and having breathing problems. Doctor says if your oxygen level doesn’t go back up go to ER. My breathing is getting worse, eyes bulging out, and I am turning darker. Husband got to ER and God worked it all out. Still have the symptoms of COVID-19, but I’m walking, talking and breathing and can move. I thank God for a reasonable portion and strength. The devil thought I was down for the count, but God blocked it.

Kim Campita Good morning! Thank you for all the wonderful messages. God Bless us all From PHILIPPINES.

Psalm 107:2: “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy“.

Lovetta Hawa Kamara Thanks for all the prayers you are sending to me. I receive it in Jesus’ mighty name Amen. Thanks so much for everything and I appreciate.

Denson Chimpweya In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for the timely prayers I am receiving. The good tidings in the prayers are making my life to be always being soothed and be in Godly alertness. Good morning.

Althea Williams Amen cannot find words to say to my God he is being so good to me.

Cassandra: I thank you, Lord God Jesus Christ for waking me and my family up each and every morning and keeping us safe at night. You kept me safe driving to work each day. It could have been worse when I had that accident but you put your loving arms out to save me and I thank you, Jesus. In your name, I pray amen.

Daniel 4:2: “I thought it good to declare the signs and wonders that the Most High God has worked for me.”

Marcia: I thank you for this website. It has been a real source of comfort and help to me especially when I cannot find the words to pray, your site provides prayers for all situations. I am blessed each and every day knowing that Jesus is with me through all my struggles and I pray continually for complete deliverance from the heavy burdens I carry daily in my life.

Each day I learn more about faith and trust in the one and only Savior of this world. I praise and give thanks for all Jesus has done for me, but most of all I thank God for the sacrifice of his son to save sinners like us. We truly don’t deserve it but it shows us how big God’s love is.

Robert Stoltz: I don’t usually give testimonies because most people wouldn’t believe them if I did! I have been blessed to see too many miracles that rivaled what God did in His word the KJ Bible! God keeps His word-everything in there is exactly what God said and it always keeps coming true according to His promises and prophecies!

Sandy Toussaint : I wanna give thanks and praise to the almighty God for keeping me alive still to see yet another year. Even though things are tough, he’s still at my side. Just wanna say: Thank you, Father.

1 Chronicles 16:8 “Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples!”

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  1. Prayer for my grandson going to court today for favor for peace in the Judge heart to not look at the kid as a failer to help him turn his life around in Jesus name Amen Courtney Martin Jr

  2. God I thank you for giving me the strength and grace to carry on. I thank you for your faithfulness. I thank you for your mercy for not giving up on me. Hallelujah.

  3. The Lord always let you send your prayers right on time. Thank you God and thank you Christianstt.com. Thank you Lord for your grace and Mercies

  4. Praise Jesus I’m so thankful and grateful to God each day for his goodness and mercy toward me and my family thank you Jesus, thankful for this site thankful for all the prayers and scriptures each day it’s Food to my soul I’m happy and bless to come across this great program, God’s richest blessings to each and every one
    Please keep me in your prayers as I pray for healing from glaucoma in my right eye, I am heal in Jesus name and I would love to get married in Jesus name

  5. My prayer request is that God should not fail me one more time I too I want to testify of his goodness in my life I pray he give me success in my exam he has let me remain in one position for over 3 years now now God is time for you to arise and change my story change my destiny turn my sorrows to joy my pain to happiness Amen

  6. Lord, I thank you for all your uplifting prayers that speak to my heart the things I mean to pray, which I couldn’t put in content when praying. I am really feeling empty, and I know is the Holy Spirit of God almighty using you to comforting me through these prayers. Thank you Holy Spirit of God, the king of grace and mercy, who is standing by my side during this time as I placed my self, family, friends and loved one my one and only daughter, who I’m crying out for.

    I placed her and declare her under psalm 91:1-16 I’m a born again christian belong to the body of Jesus Christ. I feel as I’m no body child. I know the devil is a liar but I cannot help my feelings. Sometimes I know our God is able and he saved. He keeps and he satisfied my burden becomes more heavy. I’m not giving up on my daughter. I know God doesn’t give up on also thanking God and praying for your team, trusting and hoping for a miracle, in Jesus mighty and powerful name ❤️ 🙏 🙏🙏

  7. Very unwavering and inspiring site. Remember in old testament God had to hide his prophets in caves! So these are the prophetic prayers which we are able to receive via the web. Glory be to GOD!

  8. Myself is not a very religious person who prayers day and night. i do believe that God can do wonders if we pour out to him with full faith and trust. And till now he has given me whatever I needed in my life. Last year my mother who hardly falls ill suddenly fell sick with low BP and a mild stroke, she was like helpless with her daily activities. I sincerely asked Jesus to heal her and bring her back on her feet. Its now 1 year and my mom is back on her feet and if not much but active with her daily cores. Thank you Jesus. Another episode: My parents had helped our uncle with our property bank loan and the authorities were ready to take over, for nonpayment within the stipulated dates. It was my parents ancestral property and we dint wanted to loose it, Every month we would receive reminders and authorizes stand at our doors with warnings. I would kneel and prayer to Jesus saying, nothing did we do wrong and you don’t leave your people who trust in you, Its in your hands that such pain can be moved away within seconds. And trust me God heard my prayers, and we were given a discounted amount to be settled and close the issue. I do pray to God never should I loose my trust on HIM.

  9. Thank you for this site. It helps me to find my way closer to Father God. I am struggling with my faith and these prayers help. Me a lot. I am finding it easier to forgive and to have control over my anger. I am able to focus more on the good things in life that God offers to us each day. I know my break through is coming in Jesus name

  10. Good morning All godly people,
    Yesterday was a very sad day in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 we lost our beautiful Queen Elizabeth II she’s now in Gods loving arms for all eternity we are all devastated by her death 70 years on the throne and always walked as a child of our lord Rip beautiful Queen we will never know anyone like you again Rip

  11. We receive God’s blessings through faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God – Take time to read the Bible – over and over – even if only 10 min. a day. The results will absolutely amaze you – guaranteed. Read, receive, believe and do what God says – ALL things are then possible! Blessings to you.

  12. I blessed the name of Jehovah God for preserving my life and my family even when I didn’t deserve it. God has never failed me or forsaken me. Thank you Jesus you are my redeemer indeed.

  13. Praise God! I thank you for the prayer of comfort. This morning, as I prayed the prayer, I felt the peace of God come over me. I thank God for the refreshing this morning. In Jesus name, amen!


  15. Thank You, my Lord and Saviour. He always accepts us back, just like we are lost sheep. I thank him until the day I die

  16. Glory to God. He lives in my heart ❤️. Thankful for His Mercy, love, and Spirit every day..
    Thank you for your guidance in prayer.
    God bless ????

  17. Last August 2021 I was hospitalized for Covid for 5 long days ????..I prayed with all my heart and God was so so Good he pull me through..It took me 4 months to get my energy back and to 2 months to get my hair from falling out. God gave me my energy back, made my hair stop falling out and I was able to get my life back..God is so Good..I love my God and I will praise him and his Goodness always..In 2014 he always helped me overcome the anxiety and fear of a tumor found in my breast..God took away my fears and pulled me through my surgery..and the tumor was not cancerous ???????? Thank you Lord ❤ God had always been their for me, especially when I pray from the bottom of my heart..No matter my Sins he forgives me, and is ALWAYS there for me..Ask God from the bottom of your heart he will surprise you..
    He has pulled me through Other illnesses and Surgeries and other Situations too many to type in but the message here is God listens, God helps, God is Good..Just ask from the depths of your heart ❤ You will be Amazed how Good he REALLY IS ????


  19. Good day,
    My Testimony is that of hope.
    Each day seems hard for me to carry on due to depression, low self esteem, anxiety, unemployment and Fear of not being able to make it in life. But the word of God, coupled with the prayers you share, gives me the assurance that there is still hope and that everything will fall in place at the right time which is God’s time.

  20. I come to realization of accepting I need help. I been struggling with anxiety and depression for years. I have ptsd as well and have a low tolerance for rejection and waiting. I been having thoughts of wanting to die and hurt others. I feel like god is angry at me and I’m angry. I have very low self esteem. I don’t feel pretty and good enough. I can’t keep relationships friends or hold on to jobs. Also my current living situation is not so good. I struggles finding a new home. I have a problem. I tried all that praying going to church and reading the Bible but for some reason I still feel sick

  21. Thanking God for grace to pay my rent. I had no idea where I could raise the money but I prayed and trusted Jehovah Jireh and he supplied my need according to his holy word. Psalm 46:1-3.

  22. Please pray for my TMJ to leave permanently and other problems that are associated with this infliction.Thank you.Bless you.

  23. Dear Friends at Christianstt.com,
    I am giving this testimony today with great joy in my heart.

    I got connected with this prayer channel online while looking for daily prayers. The convenience of being on WA is just amazing and I receive the prayers every single day. It is a very gentle and kind way to look at your day.

    Lately I have discovered so many black holes in my life which was a collection and a series of ongoing events in married my life. I have now resolved much and thru this move have made a lot of progress feeding my spiritual life with the prayers from you and the scriptures which I’m becoming more and more familiar with day by day. They have made my life a beautiful place even amidst all the trials I am facing and there are many. There are mountains I have moved with these scriptures and I am truly blessed.

    Thank you so very much.
    abundantly and please keep the wonderful work going.

    God bless you all involved in this ministry.

  24. I was in a fatal accident 4 27 21. I died. What I saw were jiants marching. Farther sent his angels to save us!

  25. God is amazing. I used these prayers while I was battling a court case. I was innocent and I even don’t know how I ended up in court it broke my spirit I couldn’t sleep I was mentally disturbed I felt like maybe at least if I had done something my mind wouldn’t haunt me a lot but being blamed for something I hardly knew broke me. I prayed over these prayer everyday and today I am FREE! I underestimated the power of freedom now I treasure it.
    God ended this case that took 3 years in a bit just a phone call away / I am still amazed how it ended .

    Thank u guys and I give God the honour and praise . Amen ????????

  26. I thank God for healing during the time of covid as my whole family was tested positive. I experienced His faithfulness and realized the importance of repentance. Not only He removed the virus but also healed our body from all the diseases. My son’s seizure cramps which has been on and off for 10 years was healed since then. God forgives as we repent and lead us to His holiness. This is a critical key as a believer to always live a holy life so that our prayer will be answered. I pray that you will be encouraged to move along the same direction. Glory to God in Jesus name, Amen.

  27. I thank the Lord for his goodness over my life and daughter. I was hit car accident from behind while stopped pushed into car ahead of me guy no license fresh out jail. I was bless didn’t see it coming but wasnt hurt just back brief period. I give God glory for daughter Felicia favor on her job they really like her now she have her own office what a blessing amen.

  28. I come to thank my heavenly father for this powerful website the prayers where by I can even see the big changes in my life and my relationship with my partner is so smooth and I’m honestly grateful

  29. I thank God for his many blessings upon my life. I pray the Lord strengthen me, as I continued to seek him. The Lord has been so faithful to me.

  30. I give God all the praise and glory for his many blessings in my life and my sons lives. He has been so good to us
    I pray for continued prayers and blessings for us. Thank you God.

  31. I thank God for my life since I started the daily prayers my life has changed completely, i used to have bad dreams but not anymore.
    Thank you Lord.

  32. Nason Favor
    I really appreciate for the love and care that the universal body of the Lord Jesus Christ is showing all over the world, may all of us keep up the good work abide united, praying without seizing for the work of the Lord.

  33. God has been good to me all my life. Even when I backslid He reminded me of His wonderful presence. I was chastised! Labelled! Judged! But I chose the most sinful life.
    I hit rock bottom; the worst place to be. Unwanted and rejected by my own family, I took myself out of that situation with His help. I heard the voice, loud and clear, refer me to Ezekiel – where it is mentioned that God is the avenger… and He took my hand and removed me from that sin. My parents took me in – after I’d spent time in a place of safety because of an abusive relationship, which I was blind to. They forgave me! My family and I grew closer together.
    There has been so much going on but God never let me go. He is with me. He is with us. I will never deny Him again. Thank you Lord for being the best friend I could ever ask for.

  34. For God so loved the world that whoever believes in him have ever lasting life
    I believe in my God l became very sick for past few days My dearest God has touched me and healed me My prayer has been answered I feel strong again Glory to God Almighty
    God is good All the time. Amen

  35. My family was in desperate search for my granddaughter yesterday. I searched for a prayer for God to bring her back to us. Found the prayer for the missing on ChristianTT and prayed all day. Our God gave my daughter – extremely distraught – the family members who helped locate her in an extremely rural area with dangerous people. Our Sacred Heart of Jesus with His Divine Mercy gave us this miracle. Thank you ChristiansTT for the specific prayers needed. I will continue to pray for the missing.

  36. I was using drugs and drink from the age of 12
    My life was chaotic and all I did was obsessed about drugs and where I could get money from to fund my habit. I stole, lied, cheated, went to prison, prostituted and caused loads of harm to people.

    11yrs ago I gave my life to Jesus. Since then my life has changed dramatically. God took me from that pit of hell and got me clean. I now work, I’m a mum, I’ve just passed my driving test and got a car. I have a lovely home and I have my grandchildren. God gave me everything I had lost but most of all he gave me Love.
    My life is peaceful (most of the time). I am human and make mistakes. I Thank God for the hug he gave me the day I was on my knees. I Thank God for every breathe I take. Without him I would have nothing. Today I persevere no matter what and I know that God is the answer. Everything I have I prayed for and my savior delivered. Giving my life to Jesus was the best decision I have ever made. I love my God with everything in me. I’m Alive and awake at last!

  37. Right now I’m eargly waiting for tomorrow, through my prayers and those from my parents and teachers I believe I’ll pass in Jesus name. God please just make my tomorrow be a day of rejoicing. Thank you. Amen!

  38. Today I read one of your prayers “The Spirit is willing, the flesh is Weak” lol. I don’t want to say for how long I’ve been smoking while knowing the Lord has told me to stop.
    Tonight I was on my way to buy, “just one more pack”. The nearer I got to the shop the more convicted I became. I wailed and stamped my feet like a baby (metaphorically speaking), then took a deep breath and said OK. Bought some chocolate and came home. Without buying more cigarettes.
    I’ve been deceitful, miserable, spending money on overdraft to cover my “fix”. COPD t’boot. Tonight I just sat down and there’s a new prayer on my phone. Prayer: The Fear of the Lord, “The fear of the Lord is wisdom. To shun evil is understanding”. Yes Lord. I’ll lean on You and let You help me to stop. It’s time. Thank You Holy King, my ABBA Father glory to Your wonderful name Amen.

  39. I will always thank God for my life is God who never fails, I was saved in 2018 when I was lost in alcohol life was so hard for me had no money to even pay for my house no family member to help me or even my friends, it came a time that I was tired with life I even lost my job and everything in my house because I separated with my wife and child but I thank God for everything because after being saved everything came to normal God will always be God forever and ever Amen

  40. Thank dear Lord for life help us all to love everyday in Jesus name
    Forgive me for all my sins and help me to love you more and more each day
    Take of my daughters my family far and near in Jesus loving name Amen Amen

  41. I want to thank God for my husband and family.
    Thank you Lord for always being there for us as a family with all that is happening in our daily lives you are always there and I’m so grateful for your presence in our lives I Love you Lord Jesus Amen

  42. In jesus name I take my authority no weapon form against me and my family shall not prosper Amen
    God bless you all my brother and sisters

  43. I want to thank God for everything He has done for myself and my husband and our marriage. My prayer of reconciliation has been answered. Amen the woman my husband was cheating with is out of our life. My husband has moved back home. He is even blessed with a job. God is forever faithful. We are serving a living God. Thank You Lord for all you doing and for what is still to come in Jesus name Amen

  44. Thank you lord for this day and life. Please forgive my sins. I know that there are prayer request still pending but please grant me the patience to finding trye love, financial reconpence in my future business, and happiness and keep me healthy.. Please give me a peaceful work day. AMEN

  45. Amen, Thank you God, my Father, for your only son Jesus Christ life, death, burial, and his resurrection. Amen

  46. Amen. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice to save me and my loved ones. Thank you for the work you are doing in my children’s lives. Thank you for closing the doors that are not of you and is of this world and opening the doors of peace, grace, humility and all else that will bring them closer to you for your honor and glory. Thank you for molding them to become fisherman for your kingdom.

  47. I am giving thanks and praise for all the good things that Almighty King has done in my life. He keeps me and my family safe and healthy in these uncertain times that we are living in. I give Him the praise and for each day. Thank you Lord as we starting a new month and many years headings by your grace and blessings.
    Please for my daughter for strength, peace of mind, and focus while she going through her last semester of school getting ready to study for her final exams. I believe on your Powerful words that You will work on her behalf to help her out to success in every way possible for her. All things are possible to with You that will her give hope and strength. Amen Amen!

  48. My lovely Father, Thank you for sending your Jesus to shed His blood and died on the cross for our. My sister keeps up faith on Him His our Savior, Advocate, and Judge and deliverance. He will take away what the devil stole from you. The enemy comes in any form to still, kill, and destroy but when you call up the Mame of Jesus Christ, He will take all your burdens, distress, and distress and He will turn it for good. Be still and know that I am Your God. Amen Amen!

  49. Thank you God of miracle. God pls give power to have faith in you, so that i and my family can enjoy your miracle our my life

  50. I am praying for everyone that requested prayers for each of their circumstances.
    I pray that our most high God will grant your heart felt prayers and see each one of you through. May the lord bless each one of and your love ones in Jesus Name.

  51. Father God, l thank you for your love and mercy on my life and my children’s life. We have been through some harrowing situations and l felt like giving up. I prayed and asked you to relieve us of our distresses. Father you heard our prayer. We had to seek legal help. Father you never failed us. You stood by our side even in the mist of the storm. I thank you for making us victorious. My daughter is finally getting the opportunity to go to medical school after many years of stumbling block. Father lord, we adore you and magnify your Holy name. and thank you for hearing our prayer. In the morning we call on you to have mercy. And wait expectantly on you ALONE. You will lift your banner against the devil to make us victorious amen.

  52. Heavenly Lord your name is beautiful. ,your name powerful, your name is wonderful, you gather all worlds in your hand. Thank you Lord for all you have done for me and my family. Great GOD I really appreciate you in my life. Lord pls forgive all my sins, Thank you LORD. Dear God please take away my tears and bring back my joy. God please fight this battle for me, I don’t have power and strength to fight this battle, it over to you God please fight this battle for me, don’t put me in shame. Thank you Gd

  53. In October 2020 I submitted my dissertation that I had put a lot of effort in but at the end of it all my supervisor gave me a pass and said that many of the things I did were wrong and these were the things he had asked me to do during the course of my findings.
    I sent several emails to the board to get my work remarked by someone else but all I got was that my supervisor’s markings were final.
    I cried and cried because I made a lot of efforts for me to graduate with a pass but today the 17th of March 2021 my result came out and I actually graduated with a Merit which meant that the dissertation didn’t greatly affect my overall score. Thanks be to God for he is indeed good.

  54. I am very thankful to God for relieving me from fear and Anxiety. Especially after the passing of my dear brother due to covid. I was having sleepless nights and nightmares .
    I cryed to God by fasting abd praying.
    I woke 2 weeks later and i felt so much peace and contentment that no one can give apart from God alone .

    Praise be the the almighty God.

  55. Father God I come to you to say I love you so much for I am covered in your blood I am highly favor..I am blessed.In jesus name Amen.

  56. Pray for my mom, Louise. She has stage 3 breast cancer. She is 82. She loves the Lord. I love her so much. God can heal her. Please pray for healing.

  57. Firstly, I must say a big Thank you to the Christian TT Team!!! I love you all so much for the positive force, words, Bible scriptures, prayers and reminders that you have been feeding me with daily. I am so grateful.
    I was in fear, terrible fear, I was in bondage, wrestling with principalities and I discovered you and I must say that I am nowhere near where I want to be but I am on the path now that I am studying with you.
    Thank you for everything and may the Lord continue to bless and keep you, provide and give you the wisdom, knowledge and understanding to share his words to gain souls for him.
    Thank you again and take care. Stay safe!

  58. Glory be to God.
    I have trusting God to build a home.
    Through his divine provision, we have managed to put up a four bedroom house, at roofing level now.
    My Jehovah Hire will supply the remaining needs for is to complete the project.
    Thank you Lord Jesus!!

  59. Just want to say all praise and glory to the most high God and the Holy Spirit for using this ChristiansTT prayer group where it can touch ppl lives. Somehow, everyday, prayers come in and most of the times exactly what is going on with me at that said time is exactly what the prayers are. For example, two days now I keep dreaming my deceased stepfather driving me out. I know that’s spiritual harrassment and when I go up in, the prayer is about prayer for spiritual harrassment, etc. So the prayer is lined up with exactly what I going thru now …. Thank u Holy Spirit!

  60. God is always right on time

    Thank you Lord Jesus by your precious blood that saved a wreck like me, I am worthy

    Praise him

    Thy will be done

    Amen & Amen

  61. god has brought me out of very bad physical abuse and mental i was abused by all my exs and tied up and burned with cigaretes and locked up in a room and treated like a slave that was my first marriage and i was sexual assaultd as i was a teenager and sexual assaulted tmy ears are ripped from abuse and wo more times and god has brought me out of all of it i dont trust much people noew i9 still think about it sometimes my heart still carrys the scars by god loveds meand i know that iam also mentally handicaqpped too from lisa and my kids were took from me too i dont have no friends iam kindof a loner now but please pray for me

  62. When I was in 2nd grade, it was discovered that I had a hernia. It caused me a lot of pain and I couldn’t eat without coating my stomach with soft foods like mash potatoes or the like.
    As an adult, the pain of it got worse and everything I ate went right through me. When I moved into an apartment, my Christian neighbor asked me if I would attend a bible study at her apartment and I agreed to go.
    Her church friends were there and one night they asked if anyone needed a prayer. I told them about my hernia, so they prayed over me in tongues. My neighbor’s eyes flew open and said to me that Jesus was all over me.
    Three days later, that hernia was gone!!! Praise you and thank you my Lord!! After that, I kept getting blessed and blessed!! This happened about 3 or 4 years ago!!!

  63. Praise God he has been faithful, he restored my finances and money worries have gone, he has so blessed me and kept me and my loved ones safe… My God is an AWESOME God, he reigns and gives me victory over all my adversaries. Hallelujah he is worthy to be praised. I’m believing in him for breakthrough in my businesses and for family love and unity… I decree complete healing to my self, my mum and family members …. I serve a covenant keeping God!!!…… Amen

  64. I want to thank God for breathing. I just came out the hospital as a COVID-19 patient. Didn’t know how I was going to make it, but prayer brought me here. I woke up one morning and was told that my husband and I had come in contact with someone who had COVID-19 and we needed to get tested. This was 5 days gone by. Did not have any symptoms except for on that Tuesday I had chills and a little body ache. I thought it was my allergies or fibromyalgia. We went on the 9th and by this time I was getting weak, feeling very fatigue. Test came back in about 20 minutes negative. They told us they were going to take the test over and send it to the lab. Results came back positive. By this time with no appetite, no taste and smell. I kept getting sicker, by time Thursday come I am in the bed, cold and hot. Doctor send me to get a chest X-ray because I’m having chest pain now I have pneumonia in the left lung. Oxygen level has dropped down to about 83, running a temperature between 101.3 and 102.9 and having breathing problems. Doctor says if your oxygen level doesn’t go back up go to ER. My breathing is getting worse, eyes bulging out and I am turning darker. Husband got to ER and God worked it all out. Still have the symptoms of COVID-19, but I’m walking, talking and breathing and can move. I thank God for a reasonable portion and strength. The devil thought I was down for the count, but God blocked it.

  65. Thank you father !even in the hopeless of days when my spirit is down and my faith is tested ,i am blessed !
    Blessed with your endless love .
    i have no children of my own and am 38 . i have utrine tumors they have been removed once and less than 2 yrs later they have come back .the doctors say that i can not have the same operation again its to dangerous so ive been trying to get the only other surgery option done with no luck due to the covid 19 i have been schedualed for surgery twice only to have it cancled again and again . the issue that we are faced with is that if these tumors grow to much bigger than the only other option for removal would be a heisterweackumy .though to have a child of my own is my hearts desire and it literly breaks my heart to think we will be left out of the circle of life its almost unbearable .its to the point that its time sink or swim .im running short on time now and they are growing again which can damage other near by organs .ive waited on the lord knowing that he hears my hearts cries and knows my hearts desires ,keeping and living on faith .then i look at my soon to be husband and best friend for over 20 yrs now every day and i am reminded of how i am blessed with all i need !fore the lord knows what i need even before i do .he has blessed me with true love like ive never ever seen, heard of or even read about .through these last 20 years we have been told by strangers ,family and friends that people can go all their lives and never even seen the kind of love that the lord has blessed us with ..so i give thanks to the lord for the blessing of love and a blessing from the lord can never be shaken ,takin because what the lord has joined together no man or evil can break .so today i release all heartache and sadness and instead I GIVE THANKS to the lord for blessing me with the special gift of true love THANK YOU FATHER for knowing what i needed even before i knew i would need it. Amen!!!

  66. I give God thanks because I know where He has brought me from. I was down in a dark pit for so long and just couldn’t find my way out. I really didn’t even know what was happening to me. All I know is every time I would go in to church and see others just singing, worshiping the Lord. It was like no matter how hard I tried, I just felt empty.
    I was not growing spiritually. I was always shy to do things, had no confidence and was so fearful. I was becoming withdrawn, didn’t want go anywhere.
    It got to a point that I was seeking approval from my family and friends. I wasn’t making decisions for myself. I ended doing things out of the will of God, fornicating, mastabating, and just watching things that I have until it all got worse. Satan’ got a hold.
    I’m now fighting strongholds but I’m thanking God because has given me a chance to make my crooked ways right. Bit by bit, I’m seeing changes. My confidence is growing. I’m learning to pray out for I’m not so much tearful as before. But he has me in the potters house, where he is still working ⚒ on me, molding me, taking off my old garment and fitting me with new.
    So I’m learning that there are always consequences when we do things out of the will of God. I’m asking you to continue praying for me, as I seek prayer for my break through. Thank you, Jesus!

    1. Jean stand strong you’ve got this we are all overcomers through Our God and savier ,who knows every hair on our heads and all we would be and become .he also knew all we would have to battle to become overcomers of the this sinner world that i call the devils playground .god bless and remember what that book says we are all made of the lord therefore we are of joy ,love , strength all that is good and confident .so when ever im not feeling or thinking positive or happy spirited than i know that im being attacted and i stand strong on what i trust !!!!YOU GOT THIS JANE

  67. I am so grateful to God for taking me out of the darkness I was in. I was suffering with anxiety, panic attacks, fear, uneasiness and I called my pastor, my best friend who is a christian & my aunt who is also a christian & all of them coincide that I need God in my life. They started praying with me. They sent Bible verses for me to study and several other activities that revolved around God. After a week I can say that by the grace of God I have been given an opportunity. The only thing that I need to cast away is the insomnia. It’s been a week that I have been battling with and it’s a horrible experience. But I Trust in God that He will see me through it victoriously because He has not given me a spirit of fear but of joy, peace and self discipline. Every morning I look forward for the Christians uplifting prayers. I am so blessed. I am a child of God. I will continue to honor & praise His mighty name. God is good All the time and All the time God is good. Thank you God for amazing people. It’s in tuff times that you know who really is your friend. God bless us all.

  68. Thank you father for bringing us to the end of this year. We are thankful for the breath of life for our children, loved ones, the people we know if and the one we don’t know. I would like to also thank everyone at Christian TT for their support and encouragement. Providing us with scriptures for every situation. I pray that coming year will give us continued health and spiritual growth in Jesus. Amen. Love to all.

  69. Heavenly Father, I give thanks to all our blessings including our children’s achievements. You ar Holy Lord,Your Name be Praised. I come before you for assistance in our financial challenges. I pray for financial break through. Our debts are growing daily. I surrender all to you,,as the Word says surrender all to God and He will give us His yoke which is light. Father I cry to you for help. I trust in you on my own I will lose. Show me the way Mighty one…I declare victory over our lives in the name of Jesus. Amen

  70. I wanna say thank u father for a wonderful year 2020 even though we are in this pandemic time. Ive been through alot and uve gotten me through most of my storms father. I pray for my husband Daryl Pierre. Father God u alone know wat he is going tru you blessed me with our own family but we hv been tru alot if its meant to be let your will be done in Jesus name. Take control of his life and guide him like your guiding me. Protect him wherever he is lord father. Protect me and my children plus my parents even though we hv our differences. I love you lord. Thank you for everything lord and for everything im about to receive.

  71. Father lord l thank you for your blessings. This year has been very difficult for my family. Losing my husband and father to my children shook the whole family. But through all of this, you have been steadfast. You stood by us and never left our side. Thank you. We commit the coming year into your capable hands. We pray for people facing difficult situation, homeless, sick. Father you have assured us that you will heal us of all our diseases. You love us no matter what. Jehovah Jirreh our protector, this is what l declare in your name amen.

  72. Amen.Thank you FATHER how you been blessing me you, are a way,maker oh GOD i just want to Thank you and keep, believing in TRUSTing only you, FAITH Hope, wisdom as i grow spiritually Jesus Christ BLESS my daughter and baby due next month Jan 2021she’s been through a lot . You know and see it all u made a way for me to get a brand-new bedroom set this week because the man who’s baby she carries took the bedroom set from her what man would do, that i pray for his soul but please help mend my daughter’s broken heart Palms 34:18 bless her and her children I’ll just keep praying for her to get closer to you LORD i as keep growing in my FAITH walk with you, prayers for the families that lost love ones do this covid -19 front line worker’s just praying for the world LORD. Amen.

  73. Thanks for the prayers. Lord today is my daughter Nasha birthday and I miss her for that day. She left home 3 weeks ago and she’s not back. I want her to be back home. Help and hear my prayers.

  74. I believe in a life with no drugs alcohol and ciggaretes .The Lord Jesus Christ Is real and Reigns in my life .He blesses me with prosperity.I defeat satan with his words .The Lord Jesus Christ answers my prayers.I believe in Jesus Christ Mighty Name .

  75. Father God, l thank you for your blessings upon our life. I am grateful for the work Christian TT do, for it enables me to have a closer relationship with you.
    I bless your HOLY name always. I glorified you name and for ever praise you amen.

  76. For all the prayer. every morning your sending to me change my life and my family
    May God continue using us with all those prayer to bless others
    In the mighty name of Jesus Amen.

  77. Dear lord
    Thank you for your strength Thank you for your faith
    For your wisdom for endurance
    Thank you for my family for your protection over us
    For the new day i will rejoice and glad in it
    In the name of the father son in the Holy Spirit Amen.

  78. I just want to thank God for all He is doing in my life and my family and friends life’s as well. He is so faithful to us and protect, leads, love, bless, etc. I can keep going for our Lord and Savior does it all for us. Glory is His name. Our Rabbi is great. Abba, your Might. Yahweh, your glorious. Thank you for knowing us before we knew ourselves. I pray we stay in Your Arms in Jesus name!!!!!! Amen


  80. Thank you for all the prayers and scriptures that are sending to me . I have read them all. To God be the glory, He is showed me to purchase a new house. On December 11th, I am scheduling to be on a promotion job interview. He opens doors new door of my life..

  81. I’m fighting with my wife. Thank you father for answering my prayers of letting forgiveness to wash over me. Prayer really works. I just need to ask!! Lol. I love you. Please help me allow your son Jesus to enter my heart

  82. I pray for my grandaughter to get her son back today. In Jesus name you have already brought him home. Thank you God for this priceless gift of our sweet Angel.

  83. Father God I pray for my grankids to grow in the knowledge of, to love you and to know better. Lord I pray that you will protect their hearts and minds from Satan, but open up for you. Help me and my daughter to be good role models to them. Father forgive me and my family and guide to the Cross. In Jesus Mighty and Powerful Name I pray. Amen

  84. Lord blessed me with a job having more than double of my current package. I am so happy!! Thank you Lord and Jesus – the son of the God, for blessing me and pouring love on me!! Thank you !! Amen!!

  85. Thank You Abba Father for Who You are Holy, Magnificent, Mighty, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End and the First and the Last. Never leaving us, nor forsaken us. Always so Faithful Hallelujah!!!! Thank You for Jesus, Thank You for The Holy Spirit, Thank You Lord. We love You and give You all Glory, Honor and Praise in Christ Jesus mighty and powerful name Amen.

  86. Thank You God, for the gift of life! To Rejoice and Praise Your Precious name. Glory Be To The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit Amen.

  87. Amen God will surely answer our prayers. I pray that I could get a house for myself. I’m renting a house and it’s too small for four people. My kids are sharing a small bedroom. Help me God.

  88. Thank you God as I will continue to trust in you with my all. As I know you always have and will continue to have my back during tough times.

  89. God is so majestic amazing, I am in awe of him. When I tap in and put everything aside and focus on him alone, I feel strength, power, hope, to Go on. I thank him so much for the opportunity to be alive!

  90. Phumzile
    I thank you Team for such encouraging prayers for sharing with us. I’m meditating on your prayers, which help me a lot, especially at the work place where there’s so much strive.
    Through your prayers, my heart is in alliance with the word as is so much struggle to open the Bible. Thank you once again. G-d Bless you. Amen.

  91. The Lord is more than awesome. He hears and accept my prayers. He is my rock, my salvation, my light at the end of the tunnel. I will Forever exalt you Lord.
    Thank You for showing me favor Lord. Thank you for breaking the chain …Thank you for being a healer deliver. I can’t thank you enough but I love you Lord with all my heart and soul. Thank
    You and Amen.

  92. Thanks for all your messages that are timely. God bless you real good and grant you more grace in the name of Jesus Amen

  93. Thanks to God and Christian TT. Martin prayed and my rent was paid through this suffering of coronavirus and limited work. But my faith is strong and God will never fail us. In Jesus name!

  94. Dear heavenly father Righteous God this morning I give you praise and thanks for waking me up me and my family with great health and strength thank you lord for loving and caring for us you always been a beautiful and wonderful God a God that have love without ending thank you my Jesus I want to say to you this morning lord Jesus jehovah God i love you and thank you for your holy spirit who always go before be and be by my side i am saying this morning lord I love you thank you love in Jesus mighty name Amen

  95. Thank you Father for bestowing upon me this incredibly difficult task and this glorious miserable journey. Its is the most spectacular prize for a soul to receive. To face myself and my failures and fears, and still love myself and trust in your name. I fear daily and trust nightly. But my faith in you remains that I had as a child. I talk to you and call for your guidance. Thank you Father, thank you mother. X

  96. All might father, I give you thanks and praise for healing me from cancer. it is 3 years now. I’m now cancer free. So Lord I also thank you for healing my husband from this COVID-19 and for keeping me safe. thanking you for blessing me with my 7 grand child, and my first, great grand. Father, you are great. You are an awesome God. there is no one like you. I love You.

  97. Thanks for life father Jehovah jireh, pls forgive my sins and all wrongs, ,pls bless me with your grace and mercy.I have been led astray in search of a faithful partner, and face many challenges, still giving thanks for good health n strength in coping. I paid an agent more than 3/4 the cost to get my divorce but turned out to be fraud.i get hurt, played, and used by people that I help.and trusted. Pls harden my heart against users and abusers. Help me to focus on myself,own,my work and future , fill the lonliness in my heart

  98. Thanks for life father Jehovah jireh, pls forgive my sins and all wrongs, I have been led astray in search of a faithful partner, and face many challenges, still giving thanks for good health n strength in coping. I paid an agent more than 3/4 the cost to get my divorce but turned out to be fraud.i get hurt, played, and used by people that I help.and trusted. Pls harden my heart against users and abusers. Help me to focus on myself n future and fill the lonliness in my heart

  99. Dear God,
    I’m blessed in my comings and my goings. I thank you for keeping me covered in good and bad, thank you for the bad days so that I can see you move in my life. You are a awesome God and I thank you every day.
    Love you always,


    I’m writing this testimony waaaayyyy before my exam results come out because I believe that God takes nothing and makes something out of it, and that His ways are not our ways and neither are His thoughts like our thoughts.

    When I sat for my legal drafting exam, I had read for many many hours but when the exam came turned out I had read amiss and I couldn’t write a single thing that I believed to be right. I did the exam anyway and after it I decided to put everything in the hands of God believing that He alone knows my potential and He knows what the outcome of it will be. I was filled with so much fear because I did not want to resit the exam because it would mess my GPA. It was in those days that I discovered this website. Often I read other people’s testimonies and prayers posted. Particularly I read one of someone who was healed of cysts when the operation happened they couldn’t find it. I then decided to write this testimony that day and believe that I am writing as if i am in the future and my future self will be celebrating what God is doing and has done in my life.
    I’m very happy to say that I passed my exam in ways I did not understand with a grade only God can explain. Indeed those who leave everything in God’s hands will see the hand of God in everything. This has been and is my spiritual family and thank you for guiding me in building my faith because it took me a while to remove all the fear and worry and believe that God has heard and answered my prayers.

    Praise and Thanksgiving unto Him.

  101. Lord Jesus Christ,I begin a new shift,on a new job.I’m praying that you be with me Lord,helping me to do the best I can,well pleasing to you and my employer.Lord I pray my Job performance is so good that I will be offered a raise,for I really could use a financial breakthrough.I could do so much more for your glory.I thank you in advance for all that you are going to do,for I trust in you Lord. AMEN

  102. Exodus 14 v 14..The Lord will fight for me..l need only to be STILL

    What an amazing fight the Lord has won for me. I was buying a home with my brother who pulled out at a critical moment…but God allowed my case to go through with the man l was married to…and l won, so l had the funds yo buy on my own, except now my buyer whom l am selling my home to…in order to buy me new home lied to me about the funds he had to buy….and he kept on disappearing for weeks at a time. The man l am buying the house from and his lawyer gave me an ultimatum or l would loose my deposit paid (all the cash l owned). But God came through for me. Please brothers and sisters surround yourself with praying people…so they can lift you up to Almighty God. One such lady gave me psalms 35 and 70 to read…and my life turned around..thank you Jesus. I am now waiting for a date to extract contract. WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE

    1. Amen.. I thank God for His faithfulness in your life.. Continue to trust in Him for every decision that you make and He will do greater things for you and your family..

  103. Father lord I thank u for your grace towards me, my family and my love ones. I bless your name for healing me and my dad. Thank you lord for my brother who is about to graduate from school. Thank u for how u have always provided for my family, I do not take this for granted. Thank u for my job. Thank for all u have done and all you are yet to do. May your name alone b highly exalted forevermore AMEN.

  104. Yeah I’m really appreciative of this site. I used to think God, Yahweh, almighty Father God was someone I had to work up to and was crippled by fear and guilt, running from oppressive scenarios And into worse demonic snares and shameful disasters. But in Jesus we have the victory. These prayers help to structure my intercessions. Lovely site this is. “The reward for humility and fear of the Lord is riches and honor and life” Pro 22:4.

  105. I woke up this morning to pray after a very long time. Things seems ok in the physical, but I know my spiritual life isn’t ok at all. I have a habit of complaining to friends who care to listen. I used to think it’s therapy, but deep down I knew the only thing that can improve my life is if I form the habit of always praying to God, both in good times and in bad times. But for some reason I always fail to pray.
    I want to thank God today for leading me to this site. I just couldn’t find the words to pray with, so I googled ‘prayers to stop complaining’ and it brought me here.
    Behold I found all the words I needed to pray with.
    God is so wonderful, I am filled with so much joy and ready to face today knowing God is with me.

  106. Hallelujah I give god thanks for releasing the money that was owed to me and I give him all the praise and all the glory .The devil has been stopping it for one year but thanks be to God that it is been release .God is a good God indeed

  107. I want to say Thank You our Faithful Father God, and Our Lord And King Jesus Christ for saving me and my family from the enemy of our souls, for the salvation of my family, and I. He is ever Faithful and True no matter how much life might have you hurting. The Holy Trinity is always by our side, especially in our darkest of hours. ALL PRAISE AND GLORY TO TO GOD THROUGH CHRIST JESUS AMEN!!

  108. March 22nd 2019, I hit rock bottom! Everything in my life was toxic. So that night I cried as I fell asleep to God and asked him what was going to happen to me next? And fell asleep. At 3 AM that morning, I jumped up and got on my knees and repented. Instantly, all my brokenness and everything toxic was gone. I was no longer who I was, but who I am today, a child of God, a daughter of the king!
    It’s as though God put a veil over my eyes. I see but don’t remember? It’s no longer me who lives. It is Him who now lives in me. All I can say is that no one knows the hour or day Jesus is coming, only the Father. But I can say for a fact that Jesus is coming in my lifetime. I also can say that if God can save someone like me, He can save anyone. I can’t imagine after all he’s done in my life since, what magnificent things He will do in yours.
    God bless everyone, Jesus is coming because he showed me and it changed everything! Thank you Jesus.

    1. I left out the most important part of my testimony , when I jumped up and repented, Jesus showed me him coming in the clouds, and this is what changed who I was to who I am , God shook my foundation on this night forever life changing ,,,,, some times I get so filled with the spirit sharing my testimony, because Jesus showed me what was going to happen to me next,,,,,


  110. Amen.
    I pray holy spirit you guide me with my family
    I open my heart to you ,build your throne inside my heart
    In Jesus name Amen..

  111. I want to give thanks to The Lord God Almighty for my life, three times over, He has saved my life, and for bringing me and my family from poverty to a beautiful middle class neighborhood all while being unemployed since February of this year. Now after many prayers, the Lord has given me a job where I work from home. We serve a very, very good God, He deserves all the glory and all the praise. He provides us with all we could ever ask or pray for, and I give him all the Honor, In Jesus Mighty Name!!

  112. PRIASE GOD for this early Morning! You never know how Abba Father will deliver you or a person you have been praying for to GOD for many years All Praise go to GOD YAHWEH !.my husband was a smoker for many years he said he was going to stop and I would tell him he can’t do it by himself Jesus will help him to do it! Sometimes we would even get into arguments about it then GOD taught me how to become humble and a Praying wife it was hard sometimes but GOD carried me through I had to Trust God !so on 8/25/2020 I came home from church I told my husband you look new something looked different about him and he said baby I do in a calm way! I most have been seeing in the Spirit in what was getting ready to take place! Next thing I know he tells me to get the phone and I said get the phone !me not knowing what’s getting ready to take place But Father knew so I got the phone he says dial 911 I said 911 ! He says tell them to hurry I can’t feel my legs my husband started to stagger then said I can’t feel my arms! I started shaking running around I ran and got the oil placed it on his legs said some Scriptures you shall live and not die prayed to Jesus for help the Ambulance finally came they told my husband to left his arm it fell straight down! So then I hear my Husband’s says hurry take me to the hospital please! I live up stairs , one of the Ambulance man went out side to get a stretcher came back up with nothing my husband is a chunky guy , I can’t believe what was taking place they walked him to the top of the stairs the one guy scooped my husband up through him across his shoulders like a little lamb all i can think about is Jesus carrying my husband across his shoulders! I can’t believe it ! So they put him in the stretcher down stairs put him in the Ambulance and toke off ! I was not allowed to go so my husband said while in the Ambulance there saying code blue code blue he said everything was going so fast they were taking blood he glances at the heart monitor it says 184 his heart rate he can’t even believe what’s happening to him so he said he close his eyes and said to Jesus I repent of all of my sins and if it’s your will ok I am ready to go to your kingdom if not I understand you have something for me to do! And in instant my husband begins to to feel his legs his his arms the Ambulance man told my husband to hold up his hands again his hands became strong again when they finally made it to the hospital at the front door of the emergency room Jesus had all ready healed him all kind of doctors and nurse’s were waiting and said to my husband are you sure you are the same guy ! That was coming in as code blue one Doctor said someone was with you! And my husband kept calling on Jesus saying Thankyou Jesus! Thankyou Jesus he said that’s all he could say!. when they checked my husband all his organs is good they could not find anything ! Praise GOD Hallelujah. my husband no longer smokes ABBA FATHER set him free from that day 8/25/2020 GOD DID IT! Keep praying for your love one’s Father YAHWEH can do the impossible!

  113. Amen. Hallelujah
    My sisters and brothers,Thank you for all Good prayer because those good prayer help me with my family a lot,your prayer help to connect with God 24 hrs
    God will bless you people of God Double portion for everyone who help me pray
    In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen. ‍♂️?‍♂️??

  114. I too can testify that our God is more than able and He deserves our praises and our worship. He is amazing He does great things. God deliver and save me out of the hands of my witchcraft working coworker. He shielded and protected me from every fiery darts of the enemy,every plots,plans,schemes,barrier,)blockage,ploy,hindrance and lies ,destroyed,dismantle and demolished.Through prayers,faith , trust and obedience. He kept me closed so the enemy couldn’t do me no harm. He never fails.

  115. No weapon formed shall prosper … I walk in faith knowing God will never forsake or leave me. Thank you Lord Jesus.

  116. Goodmorning praise Jesus I would like to thank God for goodness of life and the blessing he has giving me an that’s to wake up every morning looking to praise him in the holy spirit.

  117. Help with this sadness and grief lord I’m tired of losing close friends it seems neverending I feel I have no purpose especially being unemployed

  118. This is a testimony of God’s unconditional love ,mericle working and truth In the lords promises to ALL his children .THANK YOU LORD!!!!!!.I
    I have been blessed to have witnessed the transformation of a man’s life, heart, and body .from a heroin addictd and seeming lost soul that had no one because he cared for no one not even his self.
    Be transformed and saved from death ,,injailment and born again into a life of purpose and love in Jesus christ AMAN .into a life of joy and fulfillment . He is now in the short time of 3 1/2 yrs is also married and a minister of his own congregation and goes back to the
    Neighborhoods that he could have been found on drugs just 3 1/2 yrs ago and finds a corner at a later than normal hour and with a loud speaker reaches out the lords hand to save the lords children .in everyway and everything this mans life ,is due to the our AMAZING LORD .


  119. Thank God for waking me and my family up this morning and I know he will bless us in every area of our lives and we will also bless someone who needs our help, amen and amen.

  120. Abba Father I just want to thank you for all the favour received .You are a convenant keeping God and there is no one like you .I give you all the praises, honour, worship, adoration and thanksgiving. You are truely worthy to be praised. Thank you Jesus.

  121. I’ve been praying this prayer for a few days now, received a cheque today after 4 months of waiting. Now its on to more miracles: debt elimination, employment after 4 years and abundance to do God’s ministry

  122. I just had a general lab test. Before the results came out, I prayed to God for the results to come out normal for those life threatening ailments. God answered my prayers completely. Praise be to God Almighty.

  123. Hello, everyone, I’m 39 yrs old And I been going through mental abuse, physical abuse. From my mother n father first then when I experience the world n other ppl it can with it too.. But it seems it continues to hunt me no matter where I go now… I gave my life to GOD along time ago I praise name every day I pray everyday. I never miss a day but it’s a struggle because I try my hardest to stay focus on GOD but my mother n father. Always got some down side then my partner he read the Bible but it’s odd because he once abuse me. But he stopped for a long time because he went to jail on the situation. But what scares me how can a person say he know GOD but he keep saying in arguments we have I’m the demon. But starts most of the arguments and every time I speak about GOD he downs me saying I’m not following GOD I have been saved Baptist!!!! And my faith is really strong with GOD I have a personal relationship with GOD I put GOD first in everything I do now. This person I’m with think nothing can harm him, and no more can’t tell him nothering. His ego is very high which is not good he recently physically attacked me in front of my grandbabies. For no reason cause he has a control problem, he can’t have children so he has a very jealous side cause he don’t have no children n he what one but his attitude shows how jealous he is.. He will Nick pick at me about my parenting he try to use some things I tell him and use it against me. He very judgemental towards me he jealous cause my parents has a comfortable life n his family seems to still struggle. So he has a lot of secert jealous issues, and he has admitted it to me before. But I’m strong I know GOD got me on a mission and my partner is making it hard for me to take for us. Cause every time a argument happens I end up backlash things out my mouth that GOD DONT like so my partner will use them against trying to make feel bad saying I’m not following GOD. I try my best not to say naste things to come out but at the heat of the moment I’m saying all kind of stuff.. And I feel bad afterwards cause GOD DONT like that so I turn around pray will fast and ask GOD forgive me for my foul mouth. Cause my partner knew what do to make me act out. Y’all I’m lost I get to the point I don’t want to be here no more cause most of life has been abuse and I’m tried I’m very tried. I feel like giving up. My mom didnt want seen she had me cause she treats me like nobody cause I look to much like my dad my mom hates my dad n my dad can’t stand her. My life so messed up right now. My dad downs me a lot both my parents have stole everything from me . and I feeling I go through so much hell in my life cause every time I get with someone they repeat the same thing my family did to me. I don’t know what to do no more. I don’t want to go to hell I’m trying my best to stay focus on GOD but ppl doubt my love n my actions. In a wrong way cause I but GOD first.. I’m always be judge for putting GOD first.

  124. I left church angry and abused. In 15 years of black depression I rebelled against Christian ethics and principles. I went back to Christianity and sought help. God cleaned me up and helped me heal.

  125. My Father God I Love you From the Day I was Born You Away Keep me In your HANDS My Life Wasn’t so good But when you came Ino you Love me Laying In The H. I grew A Reaship with My LORD Jesus CHRIST and My Father God Woor To Be praised All the time. AMEN

  126. Amen.
    I know Lord Jesus you will never fail me
    Thank you for my life childrens life
    I bless your holy name lord
    My sisters and my brothers pray for me because the enemies really fighting me
    A lot of persecution the enemies attack me and my family
    But i know the victory is for me
    In the name of Jesus
    God bless you all my family in Christ ?

  127. Good morning Jesus.I just want to say thank you for answered prayer,ABBA Father you are always there for my family and I . Thank you so much my Lord.

  128. Good morning, My lord and Savior. I must say this morning has been a blessing for me to be 50 years old. Just got baptized, brought back home from the dead. I thank the lord this morning just for blessing me with 50 years of my life and was able to be reborn again. How I thank him in Jesus name AMEN. ❤.

  129. I thank the Lord this morning to have mercy on me.was not feeling well but his grace give me strength this morning and I feel much better than ever

  130. Today I saw the Lord’s goodness revealed to me like never before… Woke up from a bad dream this morning 01/08/2020 & in my dream I was robbed from my personal belongings that was in my bag, I felt sick to the core as it felt so real, I just uttered the words, thank God it was just a dream but I thanked and asked Him for blessings for the day.
    Left home around 13h00 to run some errands and go and go buy a few essential items from the mall close by and low and behold, whilst browsing through the veggie aisle, I got pick pocketed, it happened so fast but He was by my side all the timr, after making a big fuss with the scoundrels that I was 100%sure was the thieves,and with the stores quick intervention I got my phone back and one is not sleeping in a happy place tonight, even though I didn’t wanted to lay a formal charge, the centre is pressing on with charges and all I said is my God will take care of you in His own time and way… A little shaken up but through His mercies a bad day ended in me being grateful and my faith was further strengthened in knowing that I forgave the one who got caught

  131. Father I thank you for been so good to me even in the midst of my unfaithfulness .I am a school teacher without salaries since this pandemic but my God the provider has not abandoned us . God you are my Alfa and Omega, my beginning and End,my Mighty in Battle,the Great Provider,the Lilly of Valley, my Lion of Judah,my Great sustainer,the Father of the Fatherless and the listener to every silent prayer , receive my praises, adoration worship and thanksgiving in Jesus most precious name.

  132. Thank you Lord Jesus for this wonderful prayer i claim it
    In Jesus name Amen. ‍♂️.‍♂️.‍♂️.‍♀️.‍♀️??❤️

  133. Thank you Lord Jesus this is the day you have made i will be glad in rejoice in it
    I speak life over me my family peace grace healing
    In Jesus name Amen. ✝️.?

    1. Heavenly Father, I come down on bended knees asking for your Grace , Favor & Mercy on my life and Family Lives.
      Father I need your favor in Blessing me with that house that I wanted and also getting my citizenship interview as soon as possible. Praying For Financial Blessings and bring my destiny helpers to locate me in Jesus Mighty Name I pray???

  134. Amen Thank you Lord Jesus
    Thank you for the new day this is the day you have made i will rejoice and glad in it
    Thank you for divine protection for my family i pray for complete restoration in Jesus name.

  135. Amen amen servant of God i received all the blessings in Jesus name Amen
    Thank you lord Jesus.?❤️❤️❤️

  136. Lord Jesus I thank you for your unending love and mercy upon me. Thanks Jesus for never letting me go even when I try to always go astray.
    Jesus thank you for the job I have and I ask you to keep me strong coz I believe new things are still coming.
    Jeremiah 33:3

      1. Lord Jesus Thank you for this new day Thank you for my family for my childrens Thank you for your protection
        I pray continue to pour your blessing over chistianstt fill them with your Holy Spirit
        In Jesus name Amen ?

    1. I stand in agreement with this prayer and i believe it I lift it in the atmosphere and I commend it to manifest in myself my childrens my family every one
      In the name of Jesus lord almighty Amen. ❤️?

      1. Thank you lord Jesus Christ for the new day and new week you’ve done ✅ for me
        Thank you for my family my childrens all love ❤️ one around of me
        Holy spirit guide my family guide christians tt
        In Jesus name I pray Amen. ❤️.?

    2. Amen. Alelouya
      I received all this blessings and I declare it on my childrens my family in Jesus name Amen
      May God bless you

    3. In the name of Jesus i received this blessing this morning I declare it on my family
      Thank you lord because you wake me up this morning you wake childrens up
      Lord Jesus I pray may establish your in my family Amen. ❤️.?‍♂️?

    4. Amen i claim this blessing
      In Jesus mighty name Thank you Lord Jesus Thank you brothers and sisters.‍♀️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    5. Alelouya I be the head not tail the top not down
      be victorious instead victim Lord Jesus give me power to work on all demonic spirit
      In Jesus name Amen
      God bless

    6. I am truly thankful for grace and a merciful Savior. Through my meditation early in the morning starts my day. After reading all the other comments help give me more hope. I Love everyone and pray for everyone throughout His creation. I Love Jesus ?

    7. Amen. Alelouya
      Thank you Lord Jesus for the new day you have made I will rejoice and be glad in it
      In Jesus name Amen

      1. Heavenly Father, I come down on bended knees asking for your Grace , Favor & Mercy on my life and Family Lives.
        Father I need your favor in Blessing me with that house that I wanted and also getting my citizenship interview as soon as possible. Praying For Financial Blessings and bring my destiny helpers to locate me in Jesus Mighty Name I pray???

  137. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace towards me and family thank you for life indeed you put us to bed and wake up us amen I just want to continuing to praise you amen

    1. I say Thank you to the lord almighty to wake me in my family up this morning Thank you for all wonderful prayer. every day Continue pray for my son taylher annius he has diabetes he 13 yrs his sugar this morning almost 400 please the sugar can’t control give him insulin still going up But I know God can control it in Jesus name Amen..‍♂️

      1. Amen amen..‍♂️Alelouya yes i beleave it God care about me and & you Thank you Jesus to made my day Amen..?❤️

  138. My son spoke despite they said he wouldn’t, God is real am grateful there are so much testimonies am waiting for God to give to me to share with the world

    1. Amen amen. Amazing story
      I choose to surrender my life to Jesus Thank you very much ❤️

      1. Amazing Alelouya God will bless you all abondantly
        You made my da❤️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

        1. Oh Heavenly Father Thank you for renew my contract with you every morning. Thank you for my children, and for my family. Thank you for your breathe you put in me this morning lord In Jesus mighty name Amen..❤️❤️❤️

      1. I want to say Thank you to God lord almighty who save me with my family let me see a new day a new moth of July Thank you for his breath in me in my childrens , Thank you for every one who stand with me in prayer every day inspire prayer to make my day i God will continue pour his blessings on you’ll
        In Jesus name Amen. ?

    2. I want to say Thank you to my savior he been so good to me for my kids my family he a live he protect us day by day . Also with all the wonderful message to bless my family every day Amen.❤️❤️❤️❤️.?❤️❤️❤️

    3. I glorify your name lord for woke me up this morning thank you. for your grace and salvation for my family my childrens Thank you for christianstt who stand with me in prayer. everyday lord straight your hands on them bless them in Jesus mighty name Amen..‍♂️❤️

    4. In Jesus mighty name I speak a good night Over my life my childrens my household I expect visitation from the lord in Jesus name Amen..❤️

    5. Amen Amen. Hallelujah ??‍♂️ Psalm 118:24 this is the day the lord has made will be rejoice and be glad in it all glory for the lord almighty
      Oh lord thank you for my entire family Thank you for your breath on my family this morning specially Christianstt cover us with your precious blood. Amen.

    6. I want to say Thank you to the lord almighty who wake me and family up this morning
      Thank you for all wonderful messages I’m so blessed every day
      I believe God will put me with my family the head not the tail specially my son’s will be the top academically not the tail in Jesus mighty name Amen Amen..‍♂️.❤️

  139. Dear Infant Jesus of Prague,

    Thank You, Thank you, Thank You for answered prayers. I am forever grateful. You never let me down. I will always be grateful and have faith. The lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want. I love you Lord Jesus, Mother Mary, all the saints, and of course, Infant Jesus of Prague.

    Eternally grateful,

  140. All does inspire message every morning it’s a medication for my family I’m so proud my sisters.‍♀️ and brothers Thank you soo much May continue pour out blessings on you all Amen.

    1. Amen amen..‍♂️Alelouya yes i beleave it God care about me and & you Thank you Jesus to made my day Amen..?❤️

  141. Thank you lord for my son’s ,my life
    I ask you to touch my son, heal him from diabetes deceased and give him knowledge to focus on his homework, in Jesus Christ name Amen

  142. Lord, I thank you that you enabled me to have a fresh start and to grow closer to you…I thank you for the Christiantt that has helped me know you better and be a better disciple … All glory is yours now and forever..?Amen

  143. I thank God for using this prayer in my marriage. I pray that the good God that started this will perfect it in Jesus name Amen.

  144. Lord Jesus, I am begging you for forgiveness of my sins. Through your holy spirit, may you protect me and my family against all the wickedness. May you guide our minds and hearts that it will be filled with peace, love and kindness. Give us always the goodhealth especially ky parenta who are both went through from mild stroke. My dad is still imprisoned with unhealthy condition. I pray that he will be included or approved for the executive clemency as already given to other elder detainees. I am praying for my mom who went through a lot, that she will stay strong and healthy and consistent prayerful. Lord Jesus, lead me how can I make it up with the I person I love. I caused him sadness unintentionally. I didn’t know it’ll will make him feel so bad because of my doubts, hopeless feeling and negativity. I am praying that you will heal George’s heart and pour with full of hope, joy, love and forgiveness. That he will start his day with a smile in his heart. I am also praying and hoping that he can still feel the love and care that I have for him. All these I pray to you in Jesus name. Amen.

  145. Praise Lord Jesus ❤
    I condemn my thanks to Lord Jesus for saving my father from, massive accident took place , yesterday. As even he is an unbeliever, I am continiously in prayers these days, almighty lord have sent me a greatest testimony, I believe and put my trust and faith in Jesus that every one including my father should realize the true spirit of lord and receive his grace.
    Praise lord
    Glory highest Jesus ❤Amen.

  146. God healed me! Thank you so much, Jesus, that the COVID-19 virus didn’t stay in my body. Truly, God is in control of everything. I am recovering now.
    2 Corinthians 1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. So through Him, the ‘Amen’ is spoken by us to the glory of God.

    I thank God that He is always faithful to those who trust Him. Praise God, you are worthy to be praise!

    1. As for me, I just want to give thanks to my God Almighty, my Redeemer of all times, the Saviour of my life. On my own, I couldn’t make until when I decided to depend on God. Many people thought that I couldn’t make it in life. But I say He has been Faithful to me. My word of encouragement is that it’s never too late. God has a plan for each and every one of us. Doesn’t matter your education or background. Just surrender to God and he will make a way where there seems to be no way. Amen.. Amen and Amen

      1. To all of us with aching and lonely and confused hearts please remember to never cease praying!!! Miracles happen every day my hubby is back home after abruptly leaving our home for 3 months!!! Praise the Lord!! I still pray for our full reconciliation but we r getting there!!! What is impossible with man…is possible with GOD!! In Jesus name, Amen!! Keep the prayers and keep hope alive in ur heart!! GOD IS BIG!!

      2. Thank you Lord for the answered prayers, I exalt your name today and forever.My life is testament of your goodness.I love You, Lord
        For Your mercy never fails me,All my days, I’ve been held in Your hands.Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i shall forever dwell in the house of The Lord.

    2. I want to thank Almighty God for changing my life. It was 2018 when I was lost with drunkenness and I lost my job. My wife left me and my house was closed because I had no money to pay for rent. I started planning how I could move to another town to start a new life. But GOD had another plan for my life. One day, we were drinking with my friends when one woman preacher came where we were. She spoke about Jesus, how Jesus can change our life. The next thing she told us was to come to church which is the Voice of God ministry. So we started attending her church and from that time up to now I saw the real hand of God on my life. I have changed since that day. I want to encourage any youth out here to give your life to Jesus and everything will be possible. I saw a real miracle in my own life.

    3. All praise and honor and glory belong to God! for his might works. I work in the Hospital where we actually perform the testing and I’m so excited about your report there ain’t no secret what God can do he is know for being a way maker a miracle worker and a promise keeper I feel a leap in my spirit this has been my prayer since we first heard of this invisible disease. Lord thank you for healing her body. Thank you father for the Miracles signs and wonders. we love you Master what your doing in the lives of your people continue to keep us on the all and continue to build our faith in you. Amen

    4. Pray for me for the WORD of GOD to be revealed completely to my self, parents and to all my siblings.

  147. Boy! Don’t we have a awesome God? I just recently got home from a major surgery and it could have went either way but I knew God had me and all the prayers from all over were sent to him. We must remember that God wants us to be close to him and in order for that to happen be we must learn to trust and believe in him with a sincere heart and mind. He knows us inside and out. Please be safe because of this virus and please pray for others. There are some that are arrogant, ignorant of this panedemic so please pray for one another and remember the Lord will always keep his promise. No matter what. God bless and love yall♥♥♥

  148. I walk by faith not by sight
    I am the head and not the tail
    No weapon formed against me or my family shall prosper.
    I claim healing for all of us in this world
    By the precious blood of Jesus.
    Thy will be done
    Thank you Jesus
    Amen & Amen

  149. Just thanking God today for a brand new day. For keeping me safe and protected under His wings thanking Him for keeping my family and friends safe from covid 19. Praying for everyone affected by it. Lord take care of those on the frontline line the doctors, nurses, everyone involved in bringing care to the sick. Heal out land Lord in Jesus mighty name I pray. This site has been such a blessing to my life. Keep up the great work you are touching so many lives. God bless ?

    1. I really appreciate God’s goodness in my life I bless the Lord for all things he is so faithful to me and family thank you master Jesus so much for dieing for my sin’s. I don’t how no much my sin’s could have cons me. I thank God for unfailing love in my life.. he has bless me so much papa god all Glory be to wonderful name in Jesus mighty name Amen.. thank you god the Father thank you god the son thank you god the holy spirit one God forever and to eges and eges amen

  150. I want to thank the Lord for what he has done to me & my family. His word says that nothing is Impossible to Him. All we have to do is ask him to lead us & protect us everyday. What a wonderful & mighty GOD we serve. The Lord bless all of you & this website for sharing his good work,Bible verses and Prayer. This website has encouraging prayers that I cant wait to receive them every week.
    Thank you God bless

  151. Every time I think of this great achievement I wonder why God loves me so much. In August 2019, I got my GCSE results and with these results, if you do not pass Math and English, you’d have to retake it. And after failing these two subjects, I felt very disappointed in myself. And bearing in mind, I had only two months to learn these subjects all over again to rewrite it.
    During that time period, I was so stressed and I felt like giving up many times. But I suddenly became confident when I sat down to write my Math paper. But English was the opposite and if you asked me did I expect to pass English, truth is, I didn’t. But Glory be to God! I passed both subjects in January 2020 (Great achievement in the new year). I made my family proud and ever since then, I said to myself, “I shall start my journey in having more faith in God and never doubt Him”.

  152. I have been chased and attacked by the enemy nearly my entire life. It wants me to give up not only hope but my faith… I refuse to let the devil steal what is most important in my life, that is, my very soul. I have so much love in my heart and the things I have been through have made me hard. But I know God is watching. So I always fall back on Him when I see trouble seeming to pile up so high that I can’t see my way.
    I give glory and honor to Him because I know He has been the single most present help throughout my trials and tribulations. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Amen.

  153. I was in an abusive relationship for a year, one that I allowed just to have someone to love me. I thank Jesus for helping me because his word says he’s close to the brokenhearted.

  154. Thank you for your prayers, they have been a blessing to me. I have seen changes in my life, in my family, at work and in my finances. To God be the glory, thank you Lord!

  155. Yes. GOD IS OUR father and he never fails. Thank you and God bless you for the daily devotional prayers. I have gone from disheartened and its hopeless to pray attitude to praying again.

  156. Thank you for this website and all the prayer warriors sharing testimonies. I thank Jesus for his victory at the cross and such is my inheritance in wonderful name of Jesus. I ask for prayers for divine Favour and unmerited grace and mercy in his difficult case, I pray for Godly judgement which no one will be able to stand against. I acknowledge your daily provision and Mighty power in this case. I thank Him in advance for making a way and his miraculous deeds.

    His promises are Yes and Amen. Thank you Jesus for carrying the weight of my son’s trials and tribulations. I surrender all to you for your yoke is light and easy. I bless your holy Name in the Mighty name of Jesus.

  157. Thanks for the prayers. I ask prayers for my son Julius so that he will change his life completely. Help him to change his attitude and have respect for me and everyone especially the teacher at school. Help him to take his studies seriously. Amen

  158. I want to bless the name of the Lord for his usual love and kindness for me. After I had posted my request of gaining admission with faith here on this platform. I am posting here now that the admission which I prayed for has been granted. .Hallelluyah!! Now I pray for provision of my school fees. I have no body to run to except My God, please let your will be done.. Amen

    1. Good morning Jesus, It’s a great day the Lord has made. I am so thankful for all He does for me and my family, friends and the ministry that has a commitment in the hearts to get Your messages and prayers and comments of the goodness of Jesus. ‘‘Tis we meet again to God be the glory Amen ?

  159. I just want to thank you for the daily devotions and prayers. My life is strengthened daily. I believe God for restoration and each day passing you give me hope. I share them on my fb page and Whatsapp as well as see people really appreciating.

  160. Thank you, Jesus, for the Holy Spirit inspired prayer point. I come before Your throne of mercy to obtain grace in my time of need. I wait on You and hold on believing you will answer my prayers for money, abundance and financial breakthrough in Jesus mighty name I have prayed Amen. Thank you, Jesus, for this website and the brains behind it, grant them more grace for exploits in Your name, Amen

  161. I was saved on 2018 and I want to thank God for saving my life.
    Before I was saved, drunkenness was killing me. I was using every type of drug. I didn’t know much about God.
    I lost my job. My friends ran away from me, even my wife. But I want to thank God because after being saved everything that I lost in my past life is back and I will always stand with God in all my life Amen.

  162. I am grateful to the Most High Yah for this website. Being diagnosed with breast cancer eight months ago; I have had to endure some serious treatment that was tough on the body. And, during these times I must say that it was your prayers sent to my WhatsApp daily that kept me going. I could not have done it without those thoughtful prayers. May ABBA continue to bless you and your ministry.
    Yeshua has been good to me in every situation. When I am sick He proves Himself to be my Yaweh Rapha. When I am lost, my Great Shepherd. In times of trouble, I call upon Him and He always shows up. HE never leaves my side. What a great Father You have been to me.
    I thank you for the blood of Yeshua that rescued me from sexual immorality, bloodshed sins, perversions, anger, depression, diverse kinds of generational curses, lesbianism, promiscuity, adultery, fornication, lust, abortions, covetousness, lying, malice, slander, love of this world, witchcraft, selfishness, unforgiveness, voodoo, the occult, new age, freemasonry, Illuminati, Rosicrucian, Martinism, ascending masters, false religions, rebelliousness, and tradition in general. I called: “Yaweh,” and I am delivered from my enemies. ” Hallelu Yah!

    1. I thank you lord God Jesus Christ for waking me and my family up each morning and keeping us safe at night. You kept me safe driving to work each day. It could have been worse when I had that accident but you put your arm out to save me and I thank you Jesus in your name I pray amen.

  163. Dear Precious Heavenly Father, I thank you for a long peaceful night, and I bless your holy name this morning. Father, I thank you for this page that changed my life and all the prayers and testimonies.
    Dear God even if I had 10000 thousand tongues, it wouldn’t be enough to say thank you. I will always be indebted to you as long as I live.
    Father God, I love you for first loving us. I know with you by my side anything is possible. Make me a testimony to my friends, family and my children so when I share with them scriptures they’ll understand and know that you are a true promising father as you are to the one who trusts in thee.

  164. Thank you for the prayer texts. They help so much. I sometimes don’t want to wake up. I am very nice and yet where I live no one wants to talk or be friends. Men don’t want to talk or ladies every one seem so mean, it hurts me. I don’t understand it.

  165. I am seeking a closer intimate relationship with you my Lord, my heart grieves for you lord. I want you to see that I am truly truly trying. Help me oh lord, please draw me nearer.
    I had become angry at some people. I was so frustrated because it seemed that you weren’t answering my prayers, even the ones that you’ve promised me.
    I attended Women’s Ministry one night and the question was asked: Has anyone ever been angry at God? At first the room was silent. Then the instructor said well I have, not that He cares but you can get angry.
    It was then I realized I was angry at God. I got so tickled, I said Lord I know that you are tickled to. I’ve since learned that he hasn’t forgotten about me. I have to pour my worship into Him, focusing on Christ alone. Thank you Lord Jesus. I love you P.S. if you’ve read this, pray for me. Thank you Amen

  166. Hello my brothers and sisters. I am delighted to share with you the goodness of God. When I think of his mercy all I can do is shout hallelujah’ glory glory thank you Jesus-. Lord you worthy of all my praise. My soul shall make boast of the lord. Hes my bread when I’m hungry my protector when I’m afraid,my guide when I’m lost,my restorer when I’m broken, hes just my main source of survival. I cant live without this man king Jesus. You ask me how I know he lives. Well i tell you he lives within my heart. I love and i would not trade him for anything. Hes been too good to me.

  167. Thank you for your ministry. It’s been a blessing to me. Every word and prayer give me a new strength eveyday even when i feel drained. And that’s true that our Lord will provide us according to His richness and glory. It’s been my dream to go back to work when my kids grow up. But moving to another country with different languange has made my dream seemed more impossible. I have seen many people struggle getting a job even they have good educational beckground and speak fluent English. But my hope is in the Lord only. And i am a witness of His goodness, that He never fail to keep His promises. God provide me a job. He gave me something that is even hard to imagine and looked impossible to get with my own strength (I was offered a job without having to apply). Jesus is amazing. Thank you Jesus for the blessings. Though it’s not easy to balance between housework and my work , but He give me courage everyday, and in Him i can do anything.
    However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” — the things God has prepared for those who love him– 1Corinthians 2:9

  168. I’m thankful to have come across this prayer site as I was browsing for a prayer to help me in the struggles and hard times I’ve been facing and I just want to say… Dear heavenly far I thank you each and every day for giving me a roof over mine and my Childrens heads and being able to have food water and a bed to sleep on it’s a bit crowded in this one room the 5 of us are sharing but we are most definitely thankful to have shelter and somewhere to sleep and not be on the streets so we are thankful this homeless shelter let us stay until we find a home again and I prayer we will soon be in our own home again and that you remove any toxic negativity or anything bad out of our lives and our paths in life and help me and my children to live a safe and peaceful life and that you bless my unborn child and guide me through a healthy pregnancy and that you heal me from all my sicknesses and pains I’ve been facing in my body and guide me through a healthy pregnancy and to protect my relationship with my husband and remove all the rejection demons away from us and our lives and bless our marriage to be healthy and my husband and I to be happy again and also please protect our family and friends also and there children and marriages as well in Jesus name I pray amen ?? and amen ??

  169. Thank you loving God for answering my prayers. You have been so faithful to me with my stomach. Bless my womb with Godly fearing Children dear father. Bless and bring their father close to you Lord. Let my family be a God fearing family. I have been under pain for months!
    You have relieved me from pain dear God!! My condition could have been complicated but you changed everything around and a miracle happened!!! Thanks dear Lord for your never ending love and faithfulness.

  170. Finally God heard my cry and he got me a job. Been out of work since November 2019.

    He is a faithful God. All the glory and honor go back to him.
    Now I am believing in him restoring my home and for a holy matrimony.

  171. Years before I raised a petition in the presence of a prayer team in KUWAIT for my Son Rick who went to the US to pursue his UG. He was always an irresponsible kid but I trusted God anyway & sent him there. Though he is a smart kid, he did not go to school, missed classes and then stopped going to school. As an international student, paying so high fees became impossible for me. I did not know what to do & knocked on the doors of heaven. Cannot write everything in words, cutting long story short, one day all of a sudden after 5 years while he was browsing the net, he happen to find a single course which his school was offering to international students and as he was bored, his friends had moved on and he without that part-time job, no income coming in to survive, he got registered in the same school and transferred to the same university San Jose which I had planned for him when he left Kuwait. To everyone’s amazement, he not only completed his UG PROGRAM B.SC. in FINANCE with HONORS with all A’s and got a medal in December 2019, plus got master’s program seat reserved without GMAT for the next 2 years! This simply increased my faith to a level I cannot put in words. Yes, God has a set time to make things happen. He will bring it to pass. Million Trillion thanks and praise to God.

  172. Dear Heavenly Father, I just want to said thank you that I can a bit by a bit feel your grace and Holy Spirit feel in Dec 2019. I am happy that through your grace let me viewed your mighty Light in Heaven which I hardly can use any word to describe it. When I pray in deeper and deeper with speak in tongues and sang the Holy Spirit song. My voice is raised with a tremendous voice out. And I can feel the joy and peace inside me and how great thou grace Heavenly Father gave to me. Amen
    I during that moment can view all the angel sang praises to our Heavenly Father, so happy and so joyful inside me. Amen and Hallelujah.
    I pray to Heavenly Father that I wanted to view more and more, give praises to his mighty name.
    Once again said Amen and Amen!

    1. I thank the almighty God for all is blessings in my life and family. I thank God for the manifestation of is word in my life, I have come to realize is promise that says resist the devil and he will flee from you. I am now meditating more on God word in my heart I no longer occupied my heart with worries any longer, I am beginning to experience the presence of the holy spirit in my life.

  173. My testimony is just how faithful God has been to me and my children. Every need had been met and even when there didn’t seem to be enough. God met each need. God has kept and spared my children’s life. The enemy tried to take me out on New Year’s Eve I sat in the emergency room for hours I couldn’t not breathe every time I would breathe it was shortness of breathe and it hurt so bad in my side and chest. The doctors ran test and count find anything but I was in so much pain. Well the Lord revealed to me that I was having an anxiety attack. The attacks of 2019 were one after another and the enemy was trying to scare me into thinking I wasn’t gonna make it and the only way he could was to put me in the emergency room with difficulty breathing. I still made it church at 730 and was in church until 1am. So the enemy did not win. Praise God my children and I made it to an awesome New Years party on church and someone paid our ride there and home safely.

  174. Lord , we thank you for you are good all the time . Thank you for meeting my brothers & sisters in christ at their needs. Thank you Lord for coming through for me doing only what you can do I thank you for supplying all my needs in christ Jesus. Thank you for you children be obedient christianstt.com team may you continue to bless each one prayers have been such a Blessing right on time Gods blessings flow to all of you may love of Christ continue to shine in through our lives help show someone else the way Jesus is love is real if he did it for us he will do it for them . Keep faith fam keep trusting God putting him first. Love and Gods Blessings

    1. Agnes Anthony: I have received graces and favours by praying the scriptures.Thankyou Jesus for your blessings. A big thank you to this prayer group for Inspiring me to pray more fervently.

  175. Thank you Jesus for life and for leading me to a be a good steward to others. This morning I was touched by my neighbor/coworker son. He is on drugs. While in church praying this he walked into church went for communion. I felt so good seeing him. I ran up to him after mass and hugged him. Telling him that was good.. and to continue coming. I told him come back on Sunday. I felt the holy spirit deep within me at that moment.
    Thanks you Jesus. AMEN

  176. I don’t usually give testimonies because most people wouldn’t believe them if I did! I have been blessed to see too many miracles that rivaled what God did in His word the KJ Bible! God keeps His word-everything in there is exactly what God said and it always keeps coming true according to His promises and prophecies!

  177. I am so grateful. After being unemployed for most of 2019, God blessed me with a job. Even during my unemployment he had provided a severance package for me that I lived off of until it ran out. Just when it ran out, he gave me a job the same month! A few months later when it started to snow, my car broke down. I had no way to get to the new job but uber everyday. God, then provided me with a large enough sum of money to buy another car, free and clear from my ex finance who I have not seen in 30 years. I got a new car that has more features then the last! God is so faithful! I am so thankful to him. Amen.

  178. The Lord has been so good to me.

    1. I got married this year
    2. He has blessed our marriage with a baby this year, I am currently expecting and due anytime.
    3. This year I managed to relocate and stay with my husband
    4. My elder sister got twins
    5. My sister got married
    6. My other sister in Uganda was blessed with a car from her husband.
    7. Me and my husband leave in a better apartment.
    8. My pregnancy has been unique just with a few challenges here and there.
    9. I got my work permit.
    10. My church has been so kind to us.
    11. Our parents have been blessed this year.
    12. My friends got job promotions and some got babies another graduated.
    13. My faith has increased

    I can not thank God enough!

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to testify on his goodness. *Psalms 71:15-24*

    1. I am thanking God for the strength to continue our 21 days fasting. Am also thanking God for the holy spirit and salvation of my soul.

  179. I have my Faith in God so much I have been praying to him for two years to get out of a relationship that I was in for 15 years and I made it out of and I was blessed with a job and I found out today that I was accepted into an apartment that I was praying for for weeks and I’m so blessed to say THANK YOU Lord for everything that was placed in my life I give honor to his name in the all mighty name of Jesus

  180. All praise to my Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ my Lord and King.
    He rescued me from the pit of the enemy! Hallelujah!
    I experienced great grief and shock when my younger sister died suddenly last year. It lead to anxiety and loss of sleep as well as hormonal issues and I lost in excess of 30 pounds and became quite Ill.
    I realised that the main problems were as a result of guilt and fear in my heart concerning death.
    I prayed and prayed to the Lord and He heard me and sent His Word to heal my mind and body. Blessed be His name! As I read and memorized His Word, it brought peace and restoration to my heart. He delivered me from the crippling fear and used many people to encourage and pray for me. I am so grateful to all.
    I had to stay out of work for 3 months but I have been back now and the Lord has helped me to complete the semester. All praise and honor and glory to the Lord!
    I claim healing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ by whose stripes we are healed! Thank you, Lord!
    Friends I want to tell you that the Lord cares about every detail of iur lives! His Word is powerful! His promises are sure! He gave me a promise in a dream in which He stated John 14:28. I cling to His promises for this is what keeps me from day to day. Although in some ways I am still a broken vessel, He assures me that His grace is sufficient for me because His strength is made perfect in my weakness. I love the Lord and I adore Him. I am nothing without Him. He has shown me time and time again that He has countless number of ways to solve my problems and to rescue me and all those who trust in Him. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name!

  181. I thank you for this website. It has been a real source of comfort and help to me especially when i cannot find the words to pray, your site provides prayers for all situations. I am blessed each and everyday knowing that Jesus is with me through all my struggles and I pray continually for complete deliverance from the heavy burdens I carry daily in my life.

    Each day I learn more about faith and trust in the one and only Savior of this world. I praise and give thanks for all Jesus has done for me, but most of all I thank God for the sacrifice of his son to save sinners like us. We truly don’t deserve it but it shows us how big God’s love is.

  182. I give all the honor and Glory to God, He heard my prayers I see He is at work with my family to open their eyes and ears to Him. Thank you for standing with me in the gap

  183. Thanks GOD for the love you have for us .He is a visionary ,good Things about HIM, He fix them in a moment.
    Special thanks to Christians for all the good uplifting messages . It works.?

  184. I wanna give thanks and praise to the almighty god for having me alive still to see another year to come. Even though things are tough he’s still at my side. Just wanna say thank u father

  185. My life has totally changed since i start reading all the emails that you send me every morning refreshing my life,given me a right direction. I accepted the Lord Jesus as my savior what a blessing for me transforming my life four good healing all my illness.thank you my brothers for your concern God bless you all.

  186. My testimony is the fact I didn’t die from Leukemia this year, I am very blessed to be alive as we discovered very late. His mercy shone on me

  187. I would love to give thanks to a friend who introduced me to this praying website when I felt that I’m down and out. But this website carried me from the deep end and uplifted me spiritual I didn’t know how to pray..you brought me to life ChristiansTT. Praise be to God..

  188. God is truly faithful. I can see his hands in my life daily. I am honored to be a part of this christian group and look forward to the daily prayer and devotional. I am praying for God to use me in a mighty way. Lord grant me wisdom as I continue on my journey seeking after you. I love You Lord. Asking for prayers for myself and my family as we move into 2020. May God grant His blessings on us.

  189. I thank God because he had a purpose for me to lose two jobs this year. He has good plans for it has not been easy but He gave me inner peace that I have never seen before. By the prayers of this group, my life has changed spiritually and I am happy about that. Glory to God in my good and bad times, because in every situation God is saying something!!

  190. A very Merry Christmas to all. My testimony today on Christmas is that I prayed for a spiritual blessing from God. We drove around looking where we could have lunch and out of the blue my husband saw a restaurant that was new.
    We went in and ordered but was told only a buffet lunch was being served. It was very expensive and declined.
    The waiter asked us to wait, came back and said we could order from the menu. We ordered burgers and enjoyed them. We asked for the bill and it was less than what it should have been. The waiter didn’t say anything and when we prayed about it we received the message that it was from God, our spiritual blessing. We thanked the waiter, gave her a big donation and left. God is so good.

    1. 2019 has been one of the most spiritual challenging years I and my family have ever had. A self-proclaimed witch has truly been trying to take my job, my family, my health, my reputation, and told me to my face she wanted my mind.
      But thanks be to My Glorious King Jesus! and My One True Heavenly Father God, and His Holy Spirit..! Jesus has turned every attack of the enemy to build a closer and more personal relationship with the Holy Trinity, he saved my life and is restoring me daily, and the prayers on this website have been my daily bread to nourish my mind, heart, and soul, where I did not know what or how to pray for what was happening daily. I continue to diligently seek the Kingdom Of Heaven. I am asking for Healing in both hips so I will not have to have a total hip replacement surgery on both of them. Lastly, I am giving A HUGE THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS to all at Christianstt.com!

  191. This was one difficult year for me, but the prayers from this site always lifted my spirit. I always looked forward to receiving them, my life has truly changed. Thank you so much for the word of God and for sharing the bread of life with us.

  192. God is so awesome. I remember the days when my children were young and unsaved, I cried out to God for their salvation. It took awhile but thanks be to God all of them are sweetly saved and telling others of the love and awesomeness of God.
    God answers prayers.

  193. Thanks to our Lord Jesus, l built a permanent house at but when l was to finish it up, the enemy hit me with debts. I decided to enter it much as l have not fixed glasses in four windows. I thank you for encouraging me daily and you have actually built boldness in me.

  194. This year has been a tough year for financially at some point I was not able to pay my house rent and other bills, to put a food on the table for my children was by God’s grace.
    I owed people left right and center but from the time I found this website, I have kept praying with Martin and I can testify that the lord has heard my cry and He answered me. My encouragement to someone here is hold on to Jesus no matter how dark it may seem, at his on appointed time He will surely come through for you.

  195. This God is awesome all the time. My life has not being the same since I discovered this site. I can’t go through the day without visiting this site and having my devotion. May God continually bless each and every one who use this medium to win souls. I also want to thank God for his numerous blessings upon my family and I. At times I begin to wonder how we coped with all the difficult situations,it’s being God all through.The great provider.
    Once again thank you for your prayers and encouragement that keep me going.
    Merry Christmas

  196. I give thanks to God,for I can through this Year 2019.
    And Welcome the New Year 2020.
    I can’t tell you all what I have been through.But God know everything about me.
    I thank God I still can see this blessed new day,still can see the sunshine rises in the morning.
    I believe in God’s Hand to protect and carry me.
    And God’s love to prosper and complete me.
    I love You,Lord Jesus,forever and ever.

  197. Praise and honour to God for he been very good to me I was at my weakest and felt useless but he has left me up and now I feel so strong and have move faith in him. He healed me when no doctors could give me an answer and I am grateful. Thank you lord

  198. My praise and blessings from Our Lord above..
    For years I’ve been praying for my family to be restored. And God open that door over and above. Two years ago My siblings and I received a letter in the mail that We have a sister that my mother put up for a abortion not knowing It at all. Through her we found out there was two more siblings as well.. we have all connected and became one Big family. Like we never been separated..what a restoration!! But that’s not all God brought my Son back home as well from being away for 10 years.. He my solider who been struggling from pstd from war.. the Lord answered my prayers. The Lord hears us, heals us, restores us, renews us, never stop Believing, asking, He cares about our hearts and our deepest desires. Trust him always and be blessed

    1. Good afternoon. my sisters and brothers
      Today i want to tank God for every great thing he has done ✅ in my life for my family my kids for everybody around me
      Few days ago I had my left eye so painful I have no insurance to go to the doctor
      But with all your healing prayer by God grace this morning I woke up no painful I’m okay know
      Thank you for every one Thank you for the group Thank you for the ministry who help me pray
      May God continue bless you all abondantly Amen..❤️

  199. I wish to thank you for the daily prayers. I have seen my share of stress like most people and your inspirational prayers help me in so many ways. They provide hope and reassurances that our saviour will see us through all of life’s challenges.
    Thank you and God bless.

  200. My Testimony…
    I became a Christian in May of 2018. I used to be a Catholic. I was “ADDICTED TO METH”, I used to always confess on Saturdays’ as a Catholic and God heard my confessions.

    I received a beautiful invitation to Christianity from a white male out in public. I believed him and trusted him because I knew that God was using this male as a vessel to communicate with me. So I believed and accepted and never did I had in mind That Jesus Christ was going to heal and cure my craving and addiction to ” METH”.

    As soon as I stepped inside of The Christian church “Heart Of The Bay” in Hayward Ca, Jesus touched me, I felt his touch from inside of my head all the way down to my stomach. From that day forward my terrible craving and addiction to METH disappeared. His healing is inside of me. It is so strong that I felt like throwing up the first couple of months.

    Jesus Christ touched me. I belong to him forever and ever. And if you or anyone is going through what I went through, Jesus Christ can help you, but it has to be through Christianity. There is a lot of power in Christianity and I am a witness. There is a lot of power in the name of Jesus Christ. He saves people and he will give you eternal life. Bless you guys and have a beautiful day and remember “YAHWEH (Jesus) SAVES”.

  201. I have been unemployed off/on twice within the last 2 years. My Heavenly Father has been with me. I know that nothing happens without being filtered through his fingers first. The first lost job left me distraught and distracted.

    God was faithful! We did not go without for eight months. It was quite emotional. I am in my third month of being unemployed again but THIS time… I am praising God for my inner peace.

    I do not understand why but somehow that doesn’t matter. I pray and wait patiently for God is with me. Hallelujah!

  202. God is faithful!
    I’ve been praying for restoration of my life after my husband walked out on me and I was totally destroyed!
    God has given me so many blessings and favor and friends
    It’s been amazing how faithful he is
    I’m still standing and amazingly
    Extremely happy
    From ashes to beauty in Christ
    I’ve used your prayers daily and they have been a blessing to me every single day
    May God bless you

  203. (You are Created in God’s own image and likeness) . This was a verse that I was talking about to my sister when she was joking on what was first created by God right before I was reading your email sent on Christmas Eve. Thank you for the Continuous encouraging emails and Whatsapp messages, they were very helpful to me through tough times that I needed the most. God bless your ministry abundantly !!!!

  204. My testimony is.. Even in the losses well at least that’s what I see them as. God was setting me up in my storm to be my source. I was looking for someone to rescue me and save me from the storm but God kept me and in it he gave me his peace that He would surely come through.

    God has never seen the righteous forsaken nor his children begging for food. When my circumstances said I should of been homeless, God housed me. When I lost my place, I got keys to my new place the very same day and was moved without a day going by that my children and I went without.

    God put me and my children on certain people’s hearts to bless us. When I was down to my last dollar or my last little bit of food. God would send an anonymous person to bless me yet He never let a day go by and In it all I could say was Thank You Father. So now I don’t see my losses as losses, I see them as gains. To lose myself to find the Lord and get closer to Him and truly lean on and trust God for All things.

      1. I thank God that he showed me this site that enabled me to communicate my thoughts and prayed to Him our Lord and savior to the glory of God! He is always faithful and caring even in the challenged I face everyday. He showed me the possibilities that I can do to address my concerns. I am a senior citizen overwhelmed with debt and he directed me to HELPS a non profit Law firm helping seniors deal with debt collectors. I am ever grateful that the Holy Spirit sthisd me this site. Praying and believing all will be well in the coming year with our gracious God supplying all our needs! Thank you so kindly my dear Lord in Jesus name Amen!

  205. Giving thanks to our Father God.. Last year my 41 yr old son-in-law was diagnosed through a normal physical with CML leukemia… We were all devastated because we learned that he would be on very costly chemotherapy for the rest of his life. His health is also compromised by an auto-immune disease which complicates his cancer diagnosis.
    I immediately began a prayer campaign for Jon and my daughter and my 3 grandchildren. I encompassed as many prayer worshipers as I could and began a daily prayer regimen.

    Praise God, yesterday he received the most wonderful news.. His labs came back perfect! He will be monitored every 3 weeks for the next 3 years on his same chemo meds, and if he remains stable, perhaps no more chemotherapy.

    What a Christmas Miracle.. Praise you Jesus.. Thank you Lord.. I give you ALL THE GLORY AND HONOR.. for such a perfect Christmas Gift for my family.. Thank you for allowing me to share the work of the Mighty Lord… Amen and Amen!

      1. Dear Lord Jesus, l pray and ask you merciful Jesus for a loving Christian husband, please may l leave this in your capable hands, l am not able to find the right man by the free will you have given to me, the men l have found have been unfaithful and abusive, l love you my Lord Jesus know and forever Amen.

        1. I declare the lord will give me peace,joy in all area in my life in Jesus name Amen.
          Thank you have peaceful night ??❤️.‍♂️

          1. Please pray that my blood will come back cancer free. In Jesus mighty name I give all glory honor praise and worship in advance for healing me. Amen Toni